Nationwide Car Auctions Ltd act only as agents for the Vendor (unless otherwise directly declared). Vendors are not paid until payment is received from the Purchaser. The Agents/Auctioneers are not necessarily in a position to know the history or assess the quality of the Vehicles or descriptions in print or online advertisements sold on behalf of Vendors. Buyer to assertain the facts and not rely on any description Furthermore, Vehicles sold are likely to have been subject to wear and tear caused by use or the effects of age and may therefore have faults some faults could render the vehicle unroadworthy according to the various regulations . It is for the buyer to decide at their own risk before driving the vehicle on a public highway.( when in doubt for safety reasons have the vehicle transported ) Purchasers are given an opportunity at the viewing period to examine lots to be sold and will be assumed to have done so. Purchasers are deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the condition of the vehicles before bidding /buying and the vehicles are therefore sold as seen with no guarantee or warranty being given or implied. All vehicles are sold according to our Auction terms and conditions . You have the option to attend in person at any of our vehicle auction sites and examine the vehicle before purchase ,Or are in attendance physically on site to view/inspect and purchase . We do not operate a long distance selling scheme . We encourage full inspection and trial before purchase or by any appointed proffesional of your choise . All vehicles sold as is where is basis sold as seen and inspected . Auction contracts are exempt from the usual right to cancel the contract within 14 days No right of return . How the rights under the Consumer Rights Act apply in a Public Auction? Under the Consumer Rights Act an individual is not treated as a consumer for most of the Act’s protections regarding goods contracts, if the goods are second-hand and bought at an auction that the individual could have attended in person. DO NOT MAKE A PAYMENT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THESE TERMS CONDITIONS OR HAVE NOT READ THE TERMS CONDITIONS ON OUR WEBSITE. Once payment has been made it will be as if you have accepted terms and conditions Or once signed on this invoice .Full Terms & Conditions visit The Interpretation Act 1978 applies to the terms and expressions used in these Terms and Conditions of Sale as if contained in statute and these Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be governed by English law, and any dispute arising out of or in connection with the sale and, or the Terms and Conditions shall be dealt with in an English court of Law.
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All vehicles are sold according to our Auction terms and conditions . You have the option to attend in person at any of our vehicle auction sites and examine the vehicle before purchase . We do not operate a long distance selling scheme . We encourage full inspection and trial before purchase or by any appointed proffesional of your choise . All vehicles sold as is where is basis sold as seen and inspected . auction contracts are exempt from the usual right to cancel the contract within 14 days No right of return . How the rights under the Consumer Rights Act apply in a Public Auction? Under the Consumer Rights Act an individual is not treated as a consumer for most of the Act’s protections regarding goods contracts, if the goods are second-hand and bought at an auction that the individual could have attended in person. DO NOT MAKE A PAYMENT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THESE TERMS CONDITIONS OR HAVE NOT READ THE TERMS CONDITIONS ON OUR WEBSITE Once payment has been made it will be as if you have accepted terms and conditions Terms & Conditions